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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A lot can happen over coffee......i swear .... try it !!!!!!!!

I put my hands around her waist and moved closed to her , close enough to let her breadth fall heavily on my face . she made a mock attempt pushing me back , wiping the smile off her face and whispered " time for you to break some civic laws ......  :P " . 

kanu droved me out of auditorium and went straight down the hall to ladies washroom . she checked out the washroom for co-occupants and on finding none came out , seductively moving her finger at me , daring me to come in . "Just the thought of coming in here is giving me a Hard on " - i said . " Let me help you make good use of it then " - she giggled .  We made out in the washroom like bunnies , just couldn't seem to get enough of the other , at times almost crushing each other against the wall . 

Suddenly while "licking" my face she spited , and it came out as if a whole jug of water being splashed on my face . "wake up , you sick , lousy turd !" - Cheta (my rommie) shouted on me with the empty jug in his hands . i yelled - stay away you jack-ass  , its only 8 .... have you gone nuts . Again knocking the clock for checking it to be not out of battery i shouted - ITS ALMOST 8 BUddy , Jimmy goona kill me this time  , if i am again late for his lecture. Carry my notebook with you , i will catch you there in the class - i said jumping out of the bed with brush in my mouth , tieing my shoe lases .

 (writing in progress , be a little patient )