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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Is there really anything called " 1 sided love " ????????

If you can't be of the girl who loves you   AND   can't get the girl whom you love , the worst part of it is that people will start questioning - ' ARE YOU a gay ??? '.  and the only reply u can come up with is -  " FUCK you..... it was just another bad day , my destiny welcomed me with " .

One thing common about life and chappel's  ( former indian cricket coach ) strategy is that ,  most of the time it will come just the opposite as you expected  it to be . Though nature is too complex , it follows certain common rules  and  LOVE is  no different .  Well , never mind ; sometimes i am so cleaver that i  too don't understand a single word what i am saying ..... :P

After my breakup with Pia , the only charm left in my life was kanu ( kaniska whom i affectionately call by this name ; but she still called me mridul rather maddy because affection was one sided only  ) . A man is half way in love with a girl who starts listening him .  Though it took me just  3 minutes to propose her after a few meetings , for the last 3 weeks she has kept me unanswered . well , this is the most frustrating phase of a lover's  business . he is not assured anything and at the same time is not not expected to take chances elsewhere . but this wasn't applicable completely to my case as i didn't had many options (already tried most of them earlier and needless to say got screwed every time..........) . 

Seriously , there was nothing in my head  like backing off . My love now didn't followed the simple arithmetic that, i love you but you don't so there is no hope in loving you anymore . Rather it was like i love you because i mean it , and one day you will have to love me . i just turned 19 , that might  be the reason why i believe in happy endings . whatever be the reason , one thing was damn sure that life without her would just be a set of metabolic processes with much of smoke and little interest . 

I can't believe that , remembering of days when we laughed together could  really make me cry someday .   Why the hell is she not getting , i love her more than anything else in this world , even the double cheese pizza of domino's  or even  spicy pani - puri at nook corner . God knows , how ashamed i feel on facing myself in mirror . we lie to girls not because we want to , but actually we have no truths to tell for    sustaining such long conversations . I hate sambar - vada ; feels like puking out on seeing it , but had to eat it ordering  coconut chutney also because  SHE LOVED IT .   And  after all this , if she replies that " i have always thought of you as a good friend of mine , nothing else " . you could easily understand how mush pissed off a guy can feel at  this.

But a lover should never believe in letting things happen , rather he should try to make it happen.
Right now i have no plans but we people , from IT sector will never give up in trying to act smarter  and look different . I must come up with some plan before she slams the door on my face . Do suggest something if you have any .  "FAILING  in love " is a topic  in which people secretly do their research and never publish there research works - my father once told me looking at an old album of his college days . I really don't understood what he told then but now am getting what he meant .

 anywayz just waiting for morning to meet kaniska again in college......gud n888....bbyee !!!!!

1 comment:

  1. it can be one and a half sided too.and i bet,thats more painful..
